Hit-and-Run Accidents / Uninsured Motorist Accidents

Injured in a Hit-and-Run Accident or by an Uninsured Motorist

Many drivers in California are uninsured or maintain minimal insurance coverage. This often causes the at-fault driver to flee. If you were injured by an uninsured driver or underinsured driver, that does not mean you are unable to recover compensation for your injuries.

We have helped many clients recover compensation for a hit-and-run accident or other situations in which the at-fault driver is not insured or failed to maintain sufficient coverage to compensate an injury victim. Contact us today to discuss your rights and available coverage in a free consultation.

Uninsured Motorist Accidents

Normally, the insurance company for the party that causes an accident pays for your losses. However, many Southern California drivers carry a limited amount of liability coverage, which often is not enough to compensate you for your injuries and damages. In any of these situations, you may still have protection under your own auto insurance policy for your medical care, lost wages and pain and suffering from a hit-and-run accident. Most individuals have uninsured motorist coverage, but do not know when this applies. Additionally, in California, your uninsured motorist coverage also acts as underinsured motorist coverage, whereby your insurance company will coverage damages above and beyond the at-fault driver’s policy. This coverage applies to all motor vehicle accidents, including hit-and-run accidents, bicycle accidents and pedestrian accidents.

We want you to focus on recovering from your injuries, while we take care of the legal matters. Call our office at (866) 976-1299 for a free office or home case evaluation.


Los Angeles Attorney